Friday, 14 November 2014

Yellow Submarine

This week we've been on an adventure in our Yellow Submarine.

We sailed up to the sun, 'til we found the sea of green.

We were amazed at what we saw way down deep in the ocean. 

I saw a huge, blue starfish. It moves slow on the rock. It has one eye. It can stick to you of you step on it.     Kyan

I can see a fish. The fish is stripy on its body and it is swimming through the water. It is red and it is big. It has shark teeth.   Tayla

When I looked out the window I saw a dolphin. It jumped up high in the sky. It was a medium blue dolphin.     Brooke

I can see a stingray. He has got a stingy tail and the tail can sting. The stingray is grey and the stingray is humungous.   Louis

I can see a pointy nose swordfish. It is black and it is big.    Lily

I looked out the window and I saw a stripy hammerhead shark. Hayden

The shark has sharp pointy teeth and the shark has lights. The shark has green and red stripes.   Alex

Don't let me out there!
That is so amazing!
Oh, oh! What is that?

Now that is very scary!
Aaaargh! I'm staying in here.
Can't look, can't look!

I have never seen anything like that in all my life!

Our friends are all aboard and the band begins to play.

Sky of blue and sea of green. In our yellow submarine.

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